     About the Conference
Organizing Committee
Program Committee
Areas of Interest
Important Dates
Printable Flyer
     Conference Program
Program Schedule
App for COMAD and CoDS
Keynote Talks
Accepted Papers
Invited Industry Talks
Work In Progress Track
Copyright Form
Call for Papers
Data Challenge competition
     Venue and Travel
Student Travel Scholarship
Invitation Letters/Visa
In and around Pune
Local Travel
COMAD is organized by Division II and
Pune Chapter of Computer Society of India (CSI)
and Special Interest Group on Data (SIGDATA).
Areas of Interest
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
Data Management Systems:
Big-Data management
Benchmarking and performance evaluation
Data exchange and integration
Database monitoring and tuning
Data privacy and security
Data quality, cleaning and lineage
Data warehousing
Managing uncertain, imprecise and inconsistent information
Multilingual data management
Novel data types
Parallel and distributed databases
Peer-to-peer data management
Personalized information systems
Graph data management
Storage and transaction management
New data management architectures (e.g., data stream management and cloud)
Web and Information Retrieval:
Categorization, clustering, and filtering
Document representation and content analysis
Information extraction and summarization
IR theory, platform, evaluation
Question answering and cross-language IR
Web and IR
Social network analysis
Data Mining:
Novel data mining algorithms and foundations
Innovative applications of data mining
Data mining and KDD systems and frameworks
Mining data streams and sensor data
Mining multi-media, graph, spatio-temporal and semi-structured data
Security and privacy in data mining
High performance and parallel/distributed data mining
Mining tera-/peta-scale data
Visual data mining and data visualization
Big Data analytics
To ensure wide visibility for the material published at the conference, arrangements will be made with ACM SIGMOD for including the proceedings of the conference in the SIGMOD on-linearchives. Two awards, for Best Paper and Best Student Paper, will be presented at the conference.
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