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Data Challenge competition
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COMAD is organized by Division II and
Pune Chapter of Computer Society of India (CSI)
and Special Interest Group on Data (SIGDATA).
Data Sources
Insights sought
1. What diseases are most prevalent in a given area (e.g., state, district, city, by keyword)?
2. Which diseases have been better controlled than others in India? What states have done better than others? Are there approaches which have worked for controlling / reducing instances of diseases better than others?
3. How much money has been allocated to tackle specific diseases compared to others? Which regions do better than others in controlling diseases relative to money spent?
4. Is their a relationship between water-borne diseases and their relation to water pollution?
H-DS-1: http://data.gov.in/catalog/number-cases-and-deaths-due-diseases , AllIndia (from 2000 to 2011) and State-wise (2010 and 2011) number of cases and deaths due to specified diseases (Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases, Malaria, Acute Respiaratory Infection, Japanese Encephalitis, Viral Hepatitis).
H-DS-2: http://data.gov.in/catalog/cases-and-deaths-due-kala-azar , Cases and Deaths due to the illness Kala-Azar in Bihar, West Bengal and Country during the years 1996 till 2000.
H-DS-3: https://data.gov.in/catalog/cases-and-deaths-due-japanese-encephalitis-and-dengue-dhf-during-tenth-plancases and deaths due to Japanese Encephalitis and Dengue / DHF during Tenth Plan.
H-DS-4: https://data.gov.in/catalog/water-quality-affected-habitations, Water Quality Affected Habitations
H-DS-5: Hospital Directory with Geo Code as on September 2015, https://data.gov.in/catalog/hospital-directory-national-health-portal
F-DS-1: https://data.gov.in/catalog/outlays-and-expenditure-aids-control-programme-during-ninth-plan, outlays and expenditure of AIDS Control Programme during Ninth Plan.
F-DS-2: https://data.gov.in/catalog/public-sector-outlaysexpenditure-during-eleventh-five-year-plan, public sector outlays and expenditures during Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) under various Heads of Development (Rs. Crore).
F-DS-3: http://data.gov.in/catalog/outlays-department-health-agreed-planning-commission-during-tenth-plan , data related to 9th Plan Allocation, 9th Plan Anticipated Expenditure, 10th Plan Allocation as Agreed by Planning Commission.
F-DS-4: https://data.gov.in/catalog/percentage-share-household-expenditure-health-and-drugs-various-states-during-eleventh-five, data related to percentage share of household expenditure on health and drugs in various states during Eleventh Five Year Plan.
F-DS-5: https://data.gov.in/catalog/state-wise-plan-outlays-and-expenditure, table provides state-wise plan outlays and expenditure during 2011-2012.
F-DS-6: https://data.gov.in/catalog/outlay-tenth-plan-tenth-plan-sum-annual-outlay-and-tenth-plan-actual-expenditure-department, data related to Outlay Tenth Plan, Tenth Plan (200207) sum of Annual Outlay and Tenth Plan (2002-07) Actual Expenditure for Department of Health and Family Welfare.
Water Quality
W-DS-1: https://data.gov.in/catalog/status-water-quality-india-2012,   http://data.gov.in/catalog/number-cases-and-deaths-due-diseases , status of Water Quality in India in 2012
W-DS-2: https://data.gov.in/catalog/status-water-quality-india-2008-and-2011, status of Water Quality in India - 2008 and 2011
Other Information
1. APIs are available on data.gov.in to pull the data programmatically rather that doing download.
2. Contestants can use map data from any provider (e.g., Google, Microsoft, Open Street Map)
3. Contestants can use any other open dataset by informing the organizers ahead of time and taking approval. The same information will then be made available to all other contestants (We encourage participants to post all these information in the Dataview Facebook page). Data in itself will not give competitive advantage to any team. Using any paid data source is not permissible.
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