     About the Conference
Organizing Committee
Program Committee
Areas of Interest
Important Dates
Printable Flyer
     Conference Program
Program Schedule
App for COMAD and CoDS
Keynote Talks
Accepted Papers
Invited Industry Talks
Work In Progress Track
Copyright Form
Call for Papers
Data Challenge competition
     Venue and Travel
Student Travel Scholarship
Invitation Letters/Visa
In and around Pune
Local Travel
COMAD is organized by Division II and
Pune Chapter of Computer Society of India (CSI)
and Special Interest Group on Data (SIGDATA).
Submission Instructions
Submission should be done through the EasyChair website at COMAD EasyChair 2016 Website. Please find below additional information:
Duplicate Submissions Policy
A paper submitted to COMAD 2015 cannot be under review for any other conference or journal and has to be substantially different from previously published work. Authors submitting papers to the COMAD conference are expected to agree to the following terms:

"I understand that the paper being submitted must not contain substantial overlap with any other paper currently submitted elsewhere. Furthermore, previously published papers with any overlap are cited prominently in this submission."

Duplicate submissions will be rejected. Questions about this policy or how it applies to your work should be directed to the program chairs.
Copyright Information
Authors of accepted papers will need to sign a publisher's copyright release form and present their paper at the conference. The proceedings will be released shortly after the camera-ready copy date, so any patent applications should be made before then.
Formatting Instructions
Both submissions for refereeing and final copy for the proceedings must be laid out according to the Camera Ready Copy format described below. It is the author's responsibility to make the paper readable, relevant and interesting before submission for consideration by referees. This includes legibility of diagrams and quality of English.

The page format must be double-column and single-spaced in 10pt or larger font and formatted for Letter/A4 size paper, with at least 1 inch margins at the top and bottom, 0.75 inch margins on the left and right sides, and 0.33 inch gap between the columns. The submission style guide gives detailed instructions.

To help you easily format your submissions, the following files are provided:
comad.cls - For Latex users
comad_sample.doc - For Microsoft Word users
A sample Latex file (comad_format.tex and comad_format.pdf) that conforms to the formatting guidelines is also available.
Page Limits
Full papers: 12 pages
Industry papers: 12 pages
Posters: Poster papers can be 6 pages in submission, but only an extended abstract of 2 pages will be included in the proceedings
Tutorial and Panel Proposals: 4 pages
Demonstrations: 4 pages
Submission Document Type
The submitted papers MUST BE IN PDF. It is essential that they print without difficulty on a variety of printers using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Therefore, authors must be sure that any special fonts are included. It is the sole responsibility of the authors to ensure that their submitted paper is in PDF and will print easily.
Additional Hints
A search on the web will identify a number of freely available tools that are able to convert different file formats into pdf format. It is particularly important that only standard fonts are used and that bit-mapped fonts are avoided. If non-standard fonts are needed they must be embedded in the submitted file.

If you are planning to generate a Postscript file and then converting it into pdf using "ps2pdf" use the option -Ppdf with dvips, e.g., "dvips yourfile.dvi -Ppdf yourfile.ps" and then "ps2pdf yourfile.ps". Most systems should support the -Ppdf option; if yours does not, consider contacting your system administrator.

Adobe Reader (which is freely available for a number of platforms) allows one to inspect the fonts used in a pdf file (typically under the option File/Document Info/Fonts). Before you submit your pdf file, it is recommended that you use that tool to check that all fonts used are listed as embedded.
Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner.
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